Look at the stocklist if the plants are available.
(the name behind the plantname is the name of the author who has described the plant; the number between the brackets, e.g. (z7), is the hardiness zone, see at the bottom of the plantlist for the zones)
Abelia mosanensis I.C. Chung ex Nakai (z6)
Deciduous shrub to 1.5m. from North-Korea. In May and June covered with white, carmine tinted, strong scented flowers, 10 to 12mm. long. The most hardy Abelia!
Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai (z4) " White Forsythia"
Deciduous shrub with thin branches; flowers on one-year growth white or pinkish, having a Forsythia-like appearance, in February-March.
Acacia dealbata Link. (z8)
Evergreen tree, 9 to 20m. tall with very fine bipinnate leaves. Yellow flowers in racemes, in winter to early spring, fragrant.
Acer griseum (Franch.) Pax (z6)
Slow growing small tree with three-lobed leaves and a beautiful exfoliating bark.
Acer henryi Pax (z6)
Rare tree from China with trifoliate leaves and a red autumncolour.
Adenocarpus decorticans Boiss. (z8)
Evergreen shrub or small tree from Spain; bark on older branches and trunk white peeling; very attractive. The margins of the three-parted leaves are rolled up; the gold-yellow flowers open in May-June in 3-6cm. long racemes.
Adina rubella Hance (z7/8)
The leaves of this deciduous shrub which grows to 2m. are looking like Abelia; the Cephalanthus (=buttonbush) -like flowers are ±1.5cm. Ø. Not hardy enough in The Netherlands.
Aesculus assamica
Fast-growing tree with large corymbs in spring.
Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt. (z7)
Shrubby Horsechestnut from California. White to pink flowers in narrow 8-20cm. long panicles.
Aesculus californica 'Spring Joy' (z7)
In spring the young leaves are yellow, later turning into bright green.
Aesculus chinensis Bunge (z6)
Tall tree from China with 20-35cm. long panicles of white flowers.
Aesculus 'Chocolate Autumn' (z6)
The autumncolour begins in August with a chocolate colour, but the leaves don't drop before the normal time.
Aesculus glabra Willd. (z4)
Tall tree from eastern USA. The pale yellow-green flowers are not conspicuous. Fruits with short prickles.
Aesculus glabra var. arguta (Buckley) Rob. (z5)
Shrub with yellow flowers.
Aesculus glaucescens (x) Sarg. (z5)
Shrub or small tree with small yellow flowers.
Aesculus hippocastanum 'Monstrosa' (z3)
Sometimes the new growth of this very slow growing Horsechestnut are only buds or small band formed branches.
Aesculus 'Laciniata' (z3)
The leaves of this Horschestnut are finely serrate.
Aesculus neglecta 'Autumn Fire'
Aesculus neglecta 'Georgiana' (z5)
Slow growing shrub with red and yellow flowers; useful for the smaller garden.
Aesculus pavia 'Gimborn' (z5)
Selection of the Gimborn Arboretum, Doorn, NL.
Aesculus pavia 'Koehnei' (z5)
Dwarf form. Grows about 5cm. a year. Flowers red and yellow, in June.
Aesculus sylvatica W. Bartram (z5)
Small shrub with red and yellow flowers.
Aesculus turbinata Blume (z6)
Tall tree with large leaves. The flowers looks very like Aesculus hippocastanum.
Aesculus wilsonii Rehd. (z6)
Very rare big tree from China.
Ailanthus altissima var. sutchuenensis (Dode) Rehd. & E.H. Wils. (z7)
Very fast growing tree from China. The leaves not so unpleasant smelling as the species.
Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms (z7)
Deciduous shrub with white flowers in July-August. The leaves look like Alangium platanifolium but smaller.
Albizia julibrissin 'Boubri' (z8/7?)
Nearly red flowering selection.
Albizia julibrissin var. rosea (Carrière) Mouill. (z7)
The flowers of this variety are darker pink and the plant is more hardy when older.
Albizia kalkora (Roxb.) Prain (z8)
This tropical tree comes from S.E. Asia.
Alnus formosana (Burkill) Makino (z7)
Evergreen tree from the mountains of Taiwan. More hardy than expected.
Alnus glutinosa 'Aurea' (z3)
Yellow leaved Alder.
Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis' (z3)
The leaves of this slow growing Alder are deeply incised.
Amelanchier alnifolia var. cusickii (Fernald) C.L. Hitchc. (z5)
Serviceberry with large(st) flowers, white; shrub to 3m.
Amelanchier denticulata (Kunth) K. Koch. (z8?)
Small shrub with small grey hairy leaves. Fruits pink.
Amelanchier florida Lindl. (z6)
Deciduous shrub flowering in May. Flowers white, 2-3cm. wide in upright racemes.
Amelanchier humilis Wiegand (z5)
Suckering shrub to 1m.; white flowers in spring. After flowering followed by red berries.
Amelanchier rotundifolia (ovalis) Dum Cours. (z5)
Multi-stemmed upricht shrub to 3m. Flowers white, in May.
Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) DC. (z4)
Upright growing shrub with white flowers in May and followed by edible sweet, juicy fruits.
Amorpha fruticosa L. (z5)
Tall shrub with brown-violet racemes in June-August.
Amorphophallus konjac
Ampelopsis megalophylla Diels & Gilg (z5)
Very attractive climbing plant with thick brown branches and large bipinnate blue-green leaves.
Andrachne colchica Fisch. & C.A. Mey. ex Boiss. (z6)
Low shrublet, some suckering.
Anthyllis montana var. carminea (z5)
Aralia cachemirica Decne. (z7)
Perennial, about 1,50m. high. Flowers in July-August, cream-white, later followed by dark purple berries.
Aralia cordata var. sachalinensis (Regel) Nakai (z5)
Perennial. The shrub grows to about 80cm. height. From eastern Asia.
Aralia nudicaulis L. (z3)
The flower umbels of this to 50cm. high subshrub are greenish, in May-June.
Arbutus canariensis Duhamel (z8-9)
Evergreen shrub. Nice peeling bark. Flowers pinkish white in panicles later followed by yellow-orange fruits.
Argyrocytisus battandieri (Maire) Raynaud (z7-8)
(syn.: Cytisus battandieri Maire.)
Beautiful upright tall shrub with grey-green leaves. Late in spring they will flower with erect gold-yellow racemes. A sheltered position is better in colder areas.
Arisaema tortuosum (Wall.) Schott
Aristolochia fimbriata Cham. (z7)
Climbing shrub with kind flowers.
Aronia arbutifolia 'Erecta' (z5)
Small shrub with a strictly columnar growth and a good autumncolour; flowers pinkish-white in May-June.
Asimina triloba (L) Dunal (z6)
Rare tall shrub or little tree with purple-brown flowers before the leaves in May; followed by edible yellow fruits in September-October.
Berberis bretschneideri Rehd. (z6)
Deciduous shrub. Light yellow flowers in 5cm. long racemes. Berries red.
Berberis kawakamii var. formosana Ahrendt (z7)
Evergreen Barberry from Taiwan. Fruits dark-blue.
Berberis thunbergii 'Pink Attraction' (z5)
Selection from Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'; the first growth is purple-red; after that, when pruned in spring, the new growth is flaming yellow-red; later the leaves will be pink variegated at the end of the growth. Very beautiful.
Broussonetia kazinoki Sieb. (z7)
Very rare Papermulberry. The lilac florescences are male or female; the latter grow out to blackberry-like orange-yellow fruits. Shrub to 2m. or a little tree.
Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L'Hér. ex Vent. (z6-8)
Deciduous tree; leaves 3-lobed on young shoots. Female plants have beautiful orange fruits, only when a male plant is around.
Broussonetia papyrifera 'Billardii' (z7)
Leaves very indented, only the vein with a remnant of the leaf at the tip. Curious.
Broussonetia papyrifera 'Laciniata' (z7)
Small shrublet with only a little remnant of the leaf on the tip of the veins. Hardy.
Brugmansia suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J. Presl (z10)
Brugmansia versicolor - geel -
Tub plant with up to 30cm. long yellow trumpet-shaped flowers.
Buxus balearica Lam. (z7)
Nice dark-green Buxus. Grows slow to 1m. in about 10 years.
Buxus bodinieri H. Lév. (z7)
This low Boxwood has light green leaves. After 10 years still no 50 cm.
Buxus microphylla 'Golden Triumph' PBR
This new cv. is found as a sport in Buxus microphylla 'Faulkner'. The leaves are yellow variegated and shining. The growth is like Buxus microphylla 'Faulkner'. A very attractive selection!
(Protected by Plant Breeders' Rights). more information
Buxus microphylla 'Morris Midget'
Very slow and compact growing Buxus.
Callicarpa cathayana C.H. Chang. (z7)
Big deciduous shrub with grey pubescent leaves; flowers in axillary cymes, pinkish; berries soft lilac.
Callicarpa dichotoma (Lour.) K. Koch. (z6)
Compact shrub. Fruits lilac-violet, 3-4mm. Ø.
Callicarpa japonica 'Leucocarpa' (z6)
Deciduous shrub to 1.5m. high. The fruits of this shrub are white; the leaves are light green.
Callicarpa kwangtungensis Chun (z7)
Striking shrub with a slow growth; the leaves are purple tinted. Whitish flowers in September.
Callicarpa yunnanensis W.Z. Fang (z7)
Very rare species from China.
Calycanthus chinensis
Calycanthus floridus L. (z5)
Deciduous shrub with aromatic bark; many red-brown flowers, 4-5cm. wide in May-June and any on new growth in summer. Yellow autumncolour.
Calycanthus floridus 'Michael Lindsay' (z5)
New selection from the USA. Slow growing and the flowers are dark red.
Calycanthus floridus 'Purpureus' (z5)
Like the species but with purple leaves particularly when young; autumncolour orange-yellow.
Calycanthus occidentalis Hook. & Arn. (z7)
Deciduous shrub with big (to 20cm. long) green leaves; few flowers dark red in summer.
Calycanthus raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine'
Beautiful hybrid with up to 10cm. large red flowers with a yellow heart. Blooms for a long period in late spring and early summer.
Calycanthus 'Venus' (z5)
This new white flowering selection is a cross between (Sino)calycanthus chinensis and Calycanthus occidentalis. The plant will not grow very fast and should be about 1.50m. tall and wide.
Camellia oleifera Abel (z8)
Evergreen shrub for a sheltered position; flowers white in late autumn.
Camellia sasanqua Thunb. (z7)
Evergreen shrub. Flowers in late autumn and early winter with pink flowers.
Cardiandra formosana Hayata (z8)
Shrub from Taiwan. The flowers in corymbs are blue.
Cardiocrinum giganteum (Wall.) Makino
Perennial from which the flowerstalk will be more than 2m.
Carpenteria californica 'Elizabeth' (z8)
Selection of the species. The leaves are narrower and darker green.
Carpinus fangiana Hu (z6)
Very rare tree with long leaves and to 45cm. long tail-like clusters of seeds.
Carpinus kawakamii Hayata (z8)
Rare Hornbeam from Taiwan.
Caryopteris divaricata Maxim. (z7)
A shrubby perennial, native to Japan; from July to October this member of the Verbenaceae-family is covered with blue flowers. With its bright blue flowers and very long reflexed stamens, these Caryopteris flowers are reminiscent of another member of the Verbenaceae-family: Clerodendrum myricoides 'Ugandense', native to tropical West Africa.
Caryopteris divaricata is hardy.
Caryopteris mongholica Bunge (z7)
Greygreen leaved shrub. Flowers bright blue in August-September.
Catalpa fargesii f. duclouxii (Dode) Gilmour (z6)
Deciduous tree with violet flowers in June; becomes very long fruits, 60-80cm.
Catalpa ovata G. Don. (z5)
Deciduous tree, broad crowned and with big leaves. Bright yellow flowers in 10-25cm. long panicles, in July; fruit capsules 20-30cm. long.
Catalpa speciosa 'Pulverulenta' (z5)
The leaves of this selection are densely white punctated.
Catalpa szechuanica (z6)
Very rare Catalpa from China. Flowers white in May/June.
Celtis julianae C.K. Schneid. (z8)
Little known shrub and not so hardy in the Netherlands.
Celtis koraiensis Nakai (z5)
The leaves of this small tree or big shrub are strikingly serrated at the top.
Celtis reticulata Torr. (z6)
Small tree, often shrubby from southwestern USA.
Celtis sinensis Pers. (z6)
Deciduous tree from eastern Asia.
Cephalanthus occidentalis L. (z5)
Deciduous shrub with round inflorescences in the middle of summer.
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Bunge (z6)
Ceratostigma willmottianum Stapf (z7)
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Boyd's Dwarf' (z5)
Selection with a compact growth.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Chameleon' (z5)
New selection with variegated leaves. First yellowish, later white marginated and irregular leaves.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Heronswood Globe' (z5)
Selection from the USA. The leaves are bright green.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Krukenberg Dwarf' (z5)
Slow growing selection.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Peach' (z5)
This selection should have the smell of peach in autumn.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Pendulum' (z5)
Very attractive growing with pendulous branches, especially when grafted on a low rootstock.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Raspberry' (z5)
This selection should have the smell of raspberry in autumn.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Ruby' (z5)
The new growth of this selection is nice red.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Strawberry' (z5)
This selection should have the smell of strawberry in autumn.
Cercidiphyllum magnificum (Nakai) Nakai (z6)
Deciduous big shrub with orange coloured young branches and reddish leaves; leaves more rounded than Cercidiphyllum japonicum.
Cercis gigantea W.C. Cheng & Keng f. (z7)
Fast growing species with big leaves.
Cercis glabra Pamp. (z8)
Small tree from China. Small racemes of purple-pink flowers, in April.
Cercis racemosa Oliv. (z7?)
The pink flowers of this Cercis grow in racemes on the old wood.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'White Flags' (z6)
Selection with cream-white "flags" and speckles.
Chamaerops humilis L. (z8)
Evergreen dwarf palm. Leaves fan-shaped. Tub-plant at places that are not frostfree.
Chimonanthus nitens Oliv. (z8)
Evergreen shrub with nearly white flowers in October-November.
Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link. (z7)
Winter flowering deciduous shrub; flowers yellow with a dark spot on the innerside of the petals, from January to March. Very fragrant.
Chimonanthus praecox 'Concolor' (z7)
The colour of the flowers of this selection is bright yellow and without purple at the inside.
Chimonanthus praecox 'Grandiflorus' (z7)
The flowers of this selection have twice the size of the species.
Chimonanthus praecox 'Red Heart' (z7)
Selection with yellow flowers having a dark purple-red heart, in Februari-March.
Chimonanthus salicifolius S.Y. Hu (z8)
Looks like Chimonanthus nitens, but the leaves are longer and flowers 2 weeks later.
Chimonanthus yunnanensis W.W. Sm. (z8)
Looks very like Chimonanthus praecox.
Chionanthus retusus Lindl. & Paxton (z6)
Deciduous shrub with an interesting bark; very beautiful flowering on the top of the new growth, in erect panicles, in June; white.
Chionanthus retusus 'Botanica's Beauty' (z6)
Already flowering at a young age. The white petals are broader then by the species.
Chionanthus virginicus L. (z6)
Tall deciduous shrub with big (to 20cm. long) leaves; flowers in pendulous panicles to 20cm. long in June, when the leaves are budding.
Chitalpa tashkentensis T.S. Elias & Wisura (z7)
Hybrid between Chilopsis linearis and Catalpa bignonioides. Deciduous shrub with lanceolate leaves; flowers in June-July, pink.
Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' (z7)
Evergreen shrub with aromatic leaves; white flowers in May-June. Hardy.
Chordospartium stevensonii Cheeseman (z8)
Leafless Broom-like shrub with pendulous branches from New-Zealand. Lavender-pink flowers in pendulous racemes. Very rare.
Cladrastis kentukea (Dum. Cours.) Rudd (z3)
(syn.: Cladrastis lutea)
Deciduous shrub or tree with pinnate leaves and flowering with white flowers in pendulous racemes in May-June.
Cladrastis kentukea 'Rosea' (z3)
The flowers of this selection are light pink.
Cladrastis sinensis Hemsl. (z6)
Rare tree from China; the flowers are reddish-white.
Clematis 'China Purple' (z5)
Subshrub with dark purple flowers.
Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunb. (z6)
A deciduous big shrub with heart-shaped leaves, flowering with 20cm. wide cymes in August-September; corolla white, calyx reddish later becomming fleshy with a dark blue to black fruit. The clone we offer is very hardy (till -20° C.) and resists very good autumn night-frost.
Clerodendrum trichotomum 'Purple Blaze' (z6)
The growing tip of this selection is purple.
Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii (Dode) Rehd. (z6)
Big shrub with smaller and less heart-shaped leaves than the species. Calyx greenish, not red, later becomming pink and the fruit light blue. Less hardy when young.
Clethra alnifolia 'Anne Bidwell' (z6)
This selection flowers later than the species; white flowers in big branched panicles.
Clethra alnifolia 'Fern Valley Pink' (z6)
A beautiful pink flowering selection in the same time as the species; flower-spikes horizontal.
Clethra alnifolia 'Hokie Pink' (z6)
Selection with pink flowers.
Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' (z6)
This cv. has a dense mounded habit and fragrant white flowers in mid-summer.
Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spire' (z5)
Flowers light pink in August.
Clethra alnifolia 'Rosea' (z6)
One of the oldest light pink flowering selections.
Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice' (z6)
A fine selection with beautiful dark pink flower-racemes in summer. Yet the darkest flowering selection.
Clethra alnifolia 'September Beauty' (z6)
This selection has white-flower racemes late summer.
Clethra arborea Aiton (z8)
Evergreen Summersweet from Madeira; beautiful flower-panicles with big white flowers from August to October. Tender.
Clethra barbinervis Siebold & Zucc. (z6)
Shrub with a good yellow autumncolour and long racemes of fragrant white flowers.
Clethra cavaleriei H. Lév. (z7)
Very rare species from China.
Clethra delavayi Franch. (z7)
This is the most beautiful species of the genus with long many-flowered racemes and white flowers in July-August.
Clethra fargesii Franch. (z6)
In July-August flowering species with attractive clusters of terminal racemes of white flowers.
Clethra tomentosa Lam. (z6)
The leaves of this shrub are densely grey tomentose; flowering one month later than Clethra alnifolia.
Clethra tomentosa 'Cottondale' (z7)
Very special selection with flower-racemes up to 50cm. long. The flowers are white.
Cocculus laurifolius DC. (z8)
Evergreen shrub. The dark green lanceolate leaves are 3 veined. The black berries like small peas.
Colletia cruciata Gillies & Hook. (z7?-8)
A curious shrub with big triangular crosswise-placed spines; white flowering in late autumn and winter. A choice for dry places.
Cornus alternifolia 'Brunette' (z3)
New slow growing selection. The margin of the green leaves is light green. The branchtip is reddish.
Cornus alternifolia 'Goldfinch' (z3)
A mutation of Cornus alternifolia 'Illusion'. The leaves are cream to yellow variegated. Height to about 2m.
Cornus alternifolia 'Illusion' (z3)
This selection from seedlings of the normal Cornus alternifolia has yellow blotched and speckled leaves. A strong growing selection to 2,5-3m.
Cornus asperifolia Michx. (z7)
Deciduous shrub from eastern USA. Fruits white.
Cornus brachypoda C.A. Mey. (z6)
Rare Cornus from China.
Cornus controversa
Cornus controversa 'Candlelight' (z5-6)
Selection with yellow leaves in spring; after that the yellow leaves burning, but quickly they will grow out green like the species. Late summer, in September the young new growth will be yellow again, like burning candles on the branches; that's why the name is "Candlelight".
Cornus darvasica (Pojark.) Pilip. (z5)
Slow growing shrub. Flowers white.
Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey. (z7)
Flowers white.
Cornus drummondii 'Yellow Blaze' (z7)
When the young leaves grow in spring they are bright yellow. Later in summer the leaves are light green. Nice new selection.
Cornus foemina Mill. (z6)
Deciduous shrub with striking blue fruits.
Cornus glabrata Benth. (z6)
Fruits white to light blue.
Cornus hemsleyi C.K. Schneid. & Wangerin (z6)
Shrub from China. Fruits black-blue.
Cornus iberica Woronow (z6)
Rare Cornus from the Caucasus.
Cornus kousa F. Buerger ex Hance (z5)
This tall deciduous shrub has strawberry-like fruits, after flowering in June; white flowers.
Cornus macrophylla Wall. (z6)
This rare Cornus with big leaves grows tree-like. The yellowish-white flowers in wide cymes in July-August.
Cornus mas
Large deciduous shrub that blooms in late winter and early spring with yellow flowers. The fruits are red.
Cornus obliqua Raf. (z4)
Fruits of this shrub from north-eastern USA dull blue.
Cornus poliophylla C.K. Schneid. & Wangerin (z7)
The fruits of this Asian shrub are black.
Cornus racemosa Lam. (z5)
Rare Dogwood. This deciduous shrub has white fruits on a red peduncle.
Cornus sanguinea 'Compressa' (z5)
Dwarf form with an erect growth; small leaved.
Cornus 'Summer Sky Tree'
Hybrid of C. kousa x C. hongkongensis. The young leaves of this semi-evergreen hybrid are glossy red.
Cornus wilsoniana Wangerin (z8)
Rare Cornus from China.
Corylus chinensis Franch. (z6)
Shrub or tree from China.
Cotinus coggygria 'Kanari' (z5)
New selection with a gold-yellow autumncolour and a nearly white flower-plumes.
Cotinus coggygria 'Old Fashioned' PBR (z5)
New selection! This is a nice plant with purple-coloured new growth, later becomming bluish-green with purple petioles. In autumn colouring into beautiful old-pink. The branches are bold and the plant is fast growing.
A welcome addition in the Cotinus assortment.
more information
Cotinus coggygria 'Pink Champagne' (z5)
This green leaved Cotinus has a rich pink autumncolour.
Cotinus coggygria 'Purpureus' (z5)
The leaves of this variety are green, but the fruit-clouds are pink.
Cotinus coggygria 'Red Beauty' (z5)
The big round leaves are translucent red.
Cotinus coggygria 'Rubrifolius' (z5)
The young leaves of this selection are red; older leaves are greenish red. Very beautiful orange-red autumncolour.
Cotinus coggygria var. cinereus Engl. (z5)
This variety of the normal Cotinus coggygria comes from northern China. The leaves are slightly hairy.
Cotinus coggygria 'Velvet Cloak' (z5)
The ovate leaves of this cv. are very dark purple-red, darker than Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'.
Cotinus coggygria 'Young Lady' PBR (z5)
This beautiful selection, found at our nursery, already flowers as a young plant; when older plants are pruned in spring, the flower-plumes will be very big in summer. Good to use for floriculture. (Protected by Plant Breeders' Rights) more information
Cotinus 'Flame' (z5)
(syn.: Cotinus coggygria 'Flame')
The best selection for a brilliant orange-red autumncolour.
Cotinus 'Grace' (z5)
This cv. seems a hybrid between Cotinus coggygria and Cotinus obovatus. The large obovate leaves are translucent red when young, later they become green-red.
Cotinus obovatus Raf. (z4)
This rare species comes from South-East USA. The big leaves are obovate and give a brilliant flame of orange to yellow in autumn.
Cotoneaster erratus J. Fryer & B. Hylmö
Rare shrub.
Cotoneaster fangianus T.T. Yu
Rare shrub.
Cotoneaster flinckii J. Fryer & B. Hylmö
Rare shrub.
Cotoneaster ignotus G. Klotz (z6)
Upright shrub with black fruits.
Cotoneaster naoujanensis J. Fryer & B. Hylmö
Rare shrub.
Cotoneaster rhytidophyllus Rehder & E.H. Wilson (z7)
Semi-evergreen shrub with orange-red berries.
Cotoneaster rubens W.W. Sm. (z7)
Semi-deciduous shrub with red flowers and red fruits.
Cotoneaster sikangensis Flinck & Hylmoe (z5)
Shrub with elliptic leaves and big teardrop shaped orange-red fruits.
Cotoneaster soongoricus (Regel) Popov (z3)
Very hardy shrub from north-eastern China. Fruits red.
Cotoneaster teijiashanensis J. Fryer & B. Hylmö
Rare shrub.
Cotoneaster uniflorus Bunge (z5)
Low shrub with purple-red fruits in autumn.
Crataegus monogyna 'Compacta' (z6)
Little shrub with thick branches, thornless. White flowers in spring.
Crataegus phaenopyrum (L.f.) Medik. (z5)
This species resists bacterium-fire and grows like a little tree to 10m. height. The autumncolour is from green to red and yellow over a long time. The small fruits are scarlet.
Cudrania tricuspidata (Carr.) Bureau ex Lavallée (z6-7)
Deciduous tree with prickly branches; the leaves often have 3 lobes.
Cyclocarya paliurus (Batalin) Iljinsk. (z7)
(syn.: Pterocarya paliurus). Deciduous tree with pinnate leaves. The racemes with fruits are to 25cm. long and each fruit has a encircling wing from about 5cm. wide.
Cyrilla racemiflora L. (z6)
Half-wintergreen small shrub, with an orange-red autumncolour. Small white flowers in June-July on 10-15cm. long racemes.
Danae racemosa (L.) Moench. (z7)
Evergreen shrub to 1m. height with green branches. Flowers in June on the end of the branches, later followed by orange-red berries.
Daphne laureola L. (z7)
Evergreen small shrub with light yellow flowers in March; after flowering the black berries will grow. The fruits are poisonous!
Daphne laureola subsp. philippi
Daphniphyllum himalense var. macropodum (Miq.) T.C. Huang (z7)
Tall evergreen shrub with a Rhododendron appearance, but without the beautiful flowers.
Decaisnea fargesii Franch. (z6)
Deciduous shrub with thick branches and big buds. Racemes of greenish flowers in spring; the upper male, the lower female, later followed by big broad bean-like blue fruits; large bluish-green pinnate leaves.
Decumaria barbara L. (z7)
Half-wintergreen climbing shrub with panicles of fragrant white flowers.
Decumaria sinensis Oliver (z8)
This Decumaria from China is evergreen with dark green oblong leaves. Flowers in May, first greenish later white.
Desmodium tiliifolium (D. Don) G. Don (z6)
New growth of this kindly shrub is translucent light green; shows long panicles (20-30cm.) of pale lilac flowers at the end of the summer, after that forming straw-coloured plums of seedpods.
Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora (É. Lemoine ex André) Rehder (z6)
Deciduous shrub with beautiful white flowers in big panicles; the panicles staying ornamental after flowering for a long time.
Dichotomanthes tristaniicarpa Kurz (z7)
Rare shrub from China, looking like an upright Cotoneaster.
Diervilla sessilifolia 'LPDC Podaras' (z5)
This selection has nice white variegated leaves. Flowers yellow in spring.
Diospyros cathayensis Steward (z8)
Rare small tree from China. The orange fruits are acorn-like.
Diospyros duclouxii Dodo (z7)
Deciduous shrub; looks very like Diospyros lotus.
Diospyros grandiflora Wall. ex Foigt. (z7?)
This species looks very like Diospyros lotus.
Diospyros lotus L. (z5)
The "Date Plum" is a big tree, with 1.5-2cm. wide fruits which have a bad taste.
Diospyros rhombifolia Hemsl. (z9)
Rare shrub from China and Japan. After flowering with small white urn-shaped flowers the orange-red fruits will grow. Only for frostfree places.
Dipelta floribunda Maxim. (z6)
A choice plant of great garden merit. In late spring the white flowers with an orange-yellow throat will be produced in great profusion.
Dipelta yunnanensis Franch. (z7)
This species is hairy on the young branches and the leaves. The flowers, white outside and orange inside, are looking like Dipelta floribunda. A very rare shrub and only a little tender than the other species.
Dipteronia sinensis Oliv. (z7)
This relational of the Acer-family has big pinnate leaves; the seeds grow with two together like Acer, but the wings are rounded.
Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Grandiflora' Lindl. (z8)
The flowers of this deciduous shrub are yellow with a hairy outside, in April.
Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Red Dragon' (z8)
Selection with nice orange-red flowers in April.
Ehretia dicksonii Hance (z7)
Rare tree with rough leaves. Has in August white panicles of flowers, followed by yellowish fruits.
Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Gilt Edge' (z6)
Elaeocarpus glabripetalus Merr. (z9)
Evergreen shrub with special cream-white flowers in racemes.
Eleutherococcus lasiogyne (Harms) S.Y. Hu (z6)
Deciduous shrub with curved prickles on young plants. Older plants unarmed.
Eleutherococcus sieboldianus 'Variegatus' (z5)
Shrub with nice cream-yellow variegated leaves.
Elsholtzia stauntonii Benth. (z5)
Strong scented aromatic shrub with beautiful lilac-pink flowers in September.
Emmenopterys henryi Oliv. (z7)
Very rare deciduous tree with yellow flowers and a big white calyx in June-July on older plants.
Enkianthus campanulatus (Miq.) G. Nicholson (z5)
Nice shrub with reddish striped flowers in May.
Ephedra viridis Coville (z6)
Leafless shrub with broomlike branches.
Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. (z9)
Evergreen shrub with white flowers in September, followed by pear-shaped edible fruits.
Eriolobus trilobatus (Labill. ex Poir.) M. Roem. (z6)
The leaves of this deciduous tree has three lobes and turn into brilliant red in autumn. This Malus-related tree has white flowers in May, followed by 2cm. big red fruits.
Erythrina bidwillii Lindl.
The flowers of this Erythrina are bloodred.
Erythrina crista-galli 'Compacta' L. (z9-8?)
Very attractive deciduous shrub for the cool greenhouse; the branches are covered with sharp thorns; the plant blooms in summer with long racemes of scarlet-red flowers. The form 'Compacta' flowers on one years growth.
Erythrina herbacea L. (z8)
Subshrub. Propable the most hardy.
Escallonia alpina Poepp. ex DC. (z7?-8)
Low shrub from the south of Chile.
Eucalyptus gunnii Hook. f.
Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. (z5)
Big tree with dark green leaves. Flowers inconspicuous; seeds yellowish, Ash-like.
Euonymus aculeolus C.Y. Cheng ex J.S. Ma (z7)
(syn.: Euonymus vagans Hort.) Prostrate growth. Evergreen shrublet with nice leaves turning into yellow in the full sun. Flesh coloured flowers and red spined fruits.
Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold (z3)
Deciduous, often a beautiful bright deep red autumncolour; the branches with corky wings; buds greyish. The bloom is rich but not striking; the fruits are greenish-red, one-seeded, but not conspicuous so they hang between the leaves; the orange aril is not vivid. (aril = cover of the seed)
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' (z3)
Like the species but with less cork on the young branches; the older branches and the trunk are black-warty with whitish lines. The buds are brown; the bud-scale revolute on the tip. The autumncolour is wine-red to scarlet-red. The fruits are purple-red and the aril is bright orange, so the fruits are more conspicuous than the species. This selection grows much faster than one might think.
Euonymus alatus 'Macrophyllus' (z3)
Compact shrub with broad corky wings on their branches; the branches grow somewhat twisty. Autumncolour orange-red.
Euonymus alatus 'Nanus' (z3)
Very compact Euonymus alatus, more than Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'. Red autumncolour.
Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag' (z3)
Selection from the USA. Grows twice as wide as high. Red autumncolour.
Euonymus alatus 'Select' (z3)
Selection from the USA with compact growth; very beautiful red autumncolour. Known in the USA under the trademark Fireball.
Euonymus alatus 'Silver Cloud' (z3)
New selection with variegated leaves and a compact growth.
Euonymus alatus 'Timber Creek' (z3)
Selection from the USA with a good red autumncolour. Upright growth. Known in the USA under the trademark Chicago Fire.
Euonymus alatus var. apterus Regel (z3)
Like the species but without corky wings, smaller leaves and a slower growth. In our collection are differend types.
Euonymus alatus var. ciliatodentatus Franch. en Sav. (z3)
This Euonymus alatus variety grows compact with short shoots, has small leaves (±2-3cm.) and a rich conspicuous fruiting. No corky wings. The autumncolour is pinkish.
Euonymus americanus L. (z5)
Upright deciduous shrub, with finely branches; young branches distinctly 4-edged. Buds and leaves look a little like Euonymus alatus, but finer; red buds more or less outspreading. Leaves long lasting in autumn. Fruits pink to red, 3-5 chambered with soft warty prickles, like little strawberries; aril orange.
Euonymus americanus 'Evergreen' (z8)
Selection with evergreen leaves.
Euonymus americanus 'Narrow Leaf' (z8)
Selection with narrow willow-like leaves.
Euonymus americanus var. angustifolius (Pursh) Wood (z8)
The leaves of this variety are long and narrow. Also this form bears nice warty red fruits.
Euonymus bungeanus Maxim. (z5)
Deciduous tall shrub or small tree; the branches are round, the leathery, but thin leaves have a long stalk and are broad in the middle with a long tapering apex. The flowers in June are whitish-yellow and the fruits are pink. Autumncolour is yellow.
Euonymus bungeanus 'Dart's Pride' (z5)
This Euonymus bungeanus selection has more angular branches and elliptic leaves; the petioles are not very long. This cv. is a rich fruiting form with pink fruits and a pinkish-red autumncolour in the beginning of September.
Euonymus bungeanus f. pendulus Rehder (z5)
Gracefully little tree with arching branches; otherwise like var. mongolicus, but the leaves colouring whitish-yellow in autumn.
Euonymus bungeanus 'Fireflame' (z5)
Shrub with a brilliant red autumncolour.
Euonymus carnosus Hemsl. (z7)
Deciduous shrub with broad ovate leaves, very similar to Euonymus grandiflorus, but with a beautiful red autumncolour. Fruits pink in autumn.
Euonymus carnosus 'Belmonte' (z7)
(syn.: Euonymus grandiflorus Hort.) This cultivar is the selection found in Arboretum Belmonte in Wageningen, named as Euonymus grandiflorus. But research showed the plants isn't Euonymus grandiflorus, but Euonymus carnosus. But for the beautiful red autumncolour the plant is named after the place where he is found.
Euonymus carnosus 'Red Wine' (z7)
(syn.: Euonymus atropurpureus var. cheatumi Hort., Euonymus grandiflorus 'Red Wine')
This Euonymus carnosus selection is known, i.a. in France, as Euonymus atropurpureus var. cheatumi, but this is wrong, because Euonymus atropurpureus do not flower with cream-white, but purple flowers. Euonymus carnosus 'Red Wine' grows more compact than the species; the leaves are any narrower and turning into a very beautiful wine-red in autumn. In the trade as Euonymus carnosus 'Red Wine' from 2005.
Euonymus carnosus 'Trompenburg Lustre' (z7)
Selection with long shining leaves and a beautiful red autumncolour.
Euonymus clivicolus W.W. Sm. (z7)
Upright deciduous shrub. Flowers greenish, later followed by green winged fruits, turning into pink in late summer.
Euonymus coreanus H. Lév. (z5)
Looking like Euonymus alatus, this shrub has a lot of orange fruits in september.
Euonymus echinatus Wall. (z9)
Procumbent evergreen shrub; it looks like Euonymus fortunei, but the leaves are circular and the young growth is bronze-coloured. The fruits are round, 8mm. and densely covered with 1mm. long prickles. Not hardy.
Euonymus fimbriatus Wall. (z7)
Upright, deciduous shrub with bright green leaves; flowers very small, yellowish-white, in May; followed by small light-pink winged fruits in August-September. The bark of older branches is grey and exfoliating. A nice plant.
Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' (z6)
The adult form of this selection has nice white fruits in September-October.
Euonymus fortunei 'Kewensis' (z6)
Very rare is the growth of this variety. The thin branches will grow into eachother and after any time they form small pyramids.
Euonymus grandiflorus Wall. (z6)
The name of this big shrub is frequently confused with Euonymus carnosus, which turns into a beautiful red or purple autumncolour. Euonymus grandiflorus does not turn into an autumncolour, sometimes only a little yellow in December before the leaves fall. The cream-white flowers have thread-like stamens, not so by Euonymus carnosus which have fleshy stamens. The fruits are pink and the black seeds are covered by an orange arril.
Euonymus grandiflorus f. salicifolius Stapf & Ballard (z7)
This forma has willow-like leaves, without or with a little yellow autumncolour. Nice large cream-white flowers in July, followed by pink fruits, in autumn.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Den Haag' (z6)
Particular selection. This plant flowers in August, followed by pink fruits, ripening in October to December. The first years branches on firm standing plants are stout and grow to more than 1m. in one season; the next year it will excessive bear fruit on such branches.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Fiesta' (z6)
Big shrub found by Hillier (GB). Parts of the leaves are white variegated.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Indian Summer' (z7)
The leaves of this cv. are glossy green and turn into a beautiful wine-red in autumn, from the second half of October to the first half of December. The fruits are dark pink. This cv. was in the trade under the wrong name Euonymus americanus var. sieboldianus.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Koi Boy' (z6)
New selection with white fruits from England.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Popcorn' (z6)
Big shrub with light green leaves and bold branches. The fruits of this Japanese selection are nearly white; till this time this selection is the most white fruited of all in the deciduous Euonymus-assortment.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Red Chief' (z6)
Selection with dark-pink fruits.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Red Elf' (z6)
The appearance of this cv. looks like Euonymus europaeus, but the anthers are clearly purple; the fruits are dark pink. Very free fruiting, even as a young plant. No autumncolour.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Rising Sun' (z6)
Very beautiful selection from Japan. This selection grows more broad than wide. The leaves are all the summer reddish-green and turn into red in autumn. The fruits of this selection are very dark-pink to red; this variety is the most red-fruited form in the total Euonymus hamiltonianus assortment.
Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Snow' (z7)
Beautiful selection from Japan with white variegated leaves.
Euonymus hamiltonianus ssp. sieboldianus H. Hara (z6)
Big deciduous shrub. Rich fruiting in September-October. The leaves turn into orange-red.
Euonymus japonicus 'Benkomasaki' (z8)
Upright columnar growth; the leaves crosswise arranged.
Euonymus japonicus 'Hibarimasaki' (z7)
This is the smallest of the Euonymus japonicus. Looks very like Euonymus japonicus 'Rykojo', but grows prostrate.
Euonymus japonicus 'Robustus' (z6)
An evergreen Euonymus with an upright growth; this cv. is the most hardy of the species; in the collection the plant has resisted -20°C. very well. The bright green leaves are nearly circular; the plant flowers excessive, but the fruiting is moderate, although the orange seeds are showing well when the fruits open in the second half of December.
Euonymus japonicus 'Rykojo' (z7)
Very compact growing selection; in 10 years I think it don't be wider than ca. 30cm. Ø. The leaves are about 0.5cm. wide.
Euonymus japonicus 'Yellow Pansy' (z8)
Nice seedling selection. In spring the young growth is pansy-yellow. The second growth in summer is green.
Euonymus japonicus 'Yellow Pillar'
Euonymus kiautschovicus Loes. (z7)
This species looks like Euonymus japonicus, but the oblong leaves are hanging a little. It flowers one month later as Euonymus japonicus and the pinkish fruits are less than Euonymus japonicus 'Robustus'. Young plants are tender for strong frost.
Euonymus kiautschovicus 'Berry Hill' (z7)
Nearly as the species.
Euonymus kiautschovicus 'Manhattan' (z7)
Shrub with dark green rounded leaves, rich flowering; white fruits, seed with an orange aril. Young plants are tender to strong frost. Also named as Euonymus japonicus 'Manhattan'.
Euonymus macropterus Rupr. (z5)
Deciduous shrub. The leaves of this species develop the first of all of the subgenus Kalonymus, it flowers the first of all and the fruits are already ripened in July/August. The plant looks like Euonymus latifolius but the leaf-surface is flat, not rough. The autumncolour is not so striking as Euonymus latifolius and the fruits with the very long wings are hiding under the leaves, but due to the big quantity they are still showy.
Euonymus macropterus 'Mount Fuji' (z5)
New selection with striking fruits. In August the wings of the fruits are purple coloured and the body is pinkish-white. Later in September the fruits are dark red and the orange seeds are hanging under the opened fruits.
Euonymus maximowiczianus (Prokh.) Vorosch. #VERW!
Looks like Euonymus planipes, but the flowers are very small and the corolla is whitish; the fruits open 1 or 2 weeks later; the wings of the fruits are rounded. The branches are grey-brown and thicker. From the end of August to half October the leaves turn into a rich red autumncolour.
Euonymus melananthus
Euonymus monbeigii W.W. Sm. (z7)
Deciduous shrub with a red autumncolour.
Euonymus morrisonensis Kanehira & Sasaki (z8)
Semi-deciduous small shrub from the mountains of Taiwan.
Euonymus mupinensis
Euonymus myrianthus Hemsl. (z7)
In many arboreta this species is named as Euonymus wilsonii (but the fruits of Euonymus wilsonii are set with awl-shaped spines!!). Evergreen; thick leathery leaves; good hardy. This species flowers in spring with many flowered cymes, the petals are green with a yellow blush; the unfertilized ovaries colour orange-yellow and are long lasting. In September the fruits are yellow with an orange blush at the sunside.
Euonymus nanus M. Bieb. (z2)
Half deciduous shrub; prostrate or upright. The linear-lanceolate leaves are 2-4cm. long with involute margins and dark green. It flowers excessive with violet-purple flowers on filamentous stalks; in August the pink fruits contrast well with the dark green leaves.
Euonymus nanus 'Canary Bird'
Somewhat motley selection; the branches are yellow.
Euonymus nanus 'Turkestanicus' (z2)
This is not a variety but a selection with an upright habit and lighter dull green leaves. The fruiting is fewer than the species.
Euonymus obovatus Nutt. (z3)
Deciduous species; the branches are bending down and cover the ground; the leaves are ovate or obovate; the flowers are not showy and greenish-red; the carmine fruits have soft prickles, aril orange.
Euonymus occidentalis Nutt. ex Torr. (z5)
The flowers of this deciduous species are ca. 1cm. and conspicuous dark red; in August develop the more or less rounded red fruits; the yellow aril is spongish with mostly 2 seeds. A species with a conspicuous flower-colour.
Euonymus oresbius W.W. Smith (z7)
Big deciduous shrub, branches four-edged; small lanceolate leaves, ca. 3cm. long, apex rounded; flowers greenish-white, the fruits pinkish-red. This shrub looks like a very coarse Euonymus nanus.
Euonymus oxyphyllus Miq. (z5)
One of the most beautiful Euonymus. This deciduous shrub, that can grow up to a little tree, flowers excessive with beige-brown-green flowers in May, the acuminate oval-oblong leaves are budding at the same time. In the late summer the leaves colour from red-brown into a splended (wine-)red, while an excess of marble-sized red fruits are hanging on long stalks, like cherries, among the leaves. The seeds have an orange aril.
Euonymus oxyphyllus 'Angyo Elegant' (z5)
The leaves of this Japanees selection are spotted with white speckles; rich fruiting with big dark red fruits.
Euonymus oxyphyllus 'Waasland' (z5)
This selection is still better fruiting than the species. For the plant has no autumncolour, the marble-sized fruits are better seen. They ripened in the end of September and lasting for one month. From the end of October the leaves will turn into shining yellow. Beautiful upright growing selection.
Euonymus phellomanus Loes. (z5)
The very broad corky wings on the 4-sided branches are the most striking of this deciduous species; especially on plants which has been pruned in spring. The leaves are oblong-ovate and a little rough. The pleasant scenting flowers, are yellowish-white; in August/September followed by lighter, or darker, pink fruits; aril red.
Euonymus planipes Koehne (z4)
One of the best known Euonymus for its richly fruiting. When young the plant is growing slowly, but after a longer time it will grow up into a big shrub. The young branches are green, the red-brown winterbuds big and long acute. The leaves are ovate. Yellowish flowering in big cymes, in late spring. The fruits are red with small wings, already colouring in August. Less autumncolour.
Euonymus planipes 'Dart's August Flame' (z4)
Selection from Darthuizer Nurseries, Leersum, (NL) abundantly fruiting in August.
Euonymus planipes 'Gold Ore' (z4)
Selection out of the Euonymus-collection. The leaves are blotted with yellow spots. Nice autumncolour.
Euonymus planipes 'Sancho' (z4)
Very free fruiting selection, in September-October.
Euonymus porphyreus Loes.
Evergreen shrub with long limp twigs. Fruits not yet seen.
Euonymus quelpaertensis Nakai (z6)
Rare species from Korea. Very similar to Euonymus bungeanus, but the leaves are spreading, not hanging.
Euonymus sacrosanctus Koidz. (z6)
Very similar to Euonymus alatus, but the plant has a copper-coloured blaze on branches and leaves; the leaves are more broad elliptic. The autumncolour is for a short time shining orange.
Euonymus sanguineus Loes. ex Diels (z6)
Very attractive Euonymus. This deciduous species buds reddish in spring and keeps a purple blaze all summer, because the oval leaves are red-coloured beneath; the young branches are dark purple. In autumn the leaves turn into brown-red and are very persistant. The flowering is very abundantly, with yellowish flowers having a red bloom. Although many Euonymus have a light bad-smell, but this species surpasses all with a strong "fish"scent in flowering-time.The fruiting is moderate with any pink fruits with long wings; aril orange.
Euonymus schensianus Maxim. (z8)
Very rare species with elliptic leaves. The fruits have very long wings.
Euonymus species NJM 09-109
Euonymus spraguei Hayata (z8?)
Evergreen shrub with nice bronze-coloured new growth.
Euonymus tonkinensis (Loes.) Loes. (z9)
Rare evergreen species from northern Vietnam. Big pink fruits in autumn.
Euonymus trapococcus Nakai (z6)
Rare species from Korea. Looks like Euonymus hamiltonianus, but the fruits are grooved at the middle of the lobes.
Euonymus verrucosoides Loes. (z6)
This deciduous species looks very like Euonymus alatus, but without corky wings along the branches. The flowers are yellowish-green and the fruits look like these of Euonymus verrucosus.
Euonymus vidalii Franch. & Sav. (z6)
Deciduous species very similar to Euonymus hamiltonianus, might be only a variety.
Euptelea pleiosperma Hook. f. & Thomson (z6)
Little tree with attractive leaves.
Euptelea polyandra Siebold & Zucc. (z6)
Small tree or big shrub with nice serrate leaves, colouring red and orange in autumn.
Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch. (z7)
Evergreen shrub with big deep lobed leaves. Big white panicles of flowers in November-December, later followed by black berries.
Firmiana simplex (L.) W. Wight (z8)
Unknown tree for the milder location.
Forestiera angustifolia Torr. (z6)
Rare shrub with narrow leaves, looks some like Ligustrum.
Forestiera neomexicana A. Gray (z6)
Ligustrum-like shrub from the USA.
Forsythia viridissima 'Weber's Bronx' (z5)
Selection of the dwarf variety 'Bronxensis' with a better flower.
Fortunearia sinensis Rehder & E.H. Wilson (z6)
Unknown shrub from the Hamamelis-family. Reddish flower racemes in March.
Franklinia alatamaha Marsh. (z6)
Very beautiful shrub from the same family of Camellia with white flowers in September-October and a nice red autumncolour.
Fraxinus angustifolia 'Variegata' (z6)
Slow growing shrub with yellow-green spickled leaves.
Fraxinus excelsior 'Crispa' (z3)
Slow growing shrub with thick branches and dark green curly leaves.
Fraxinus longicuspis Siebold & Zucc. (z5)
Small tree with white flowers in June and a red autumncolour.
Fraxinus pallisae Wilmott (z6)
Nice Ash from the Balkan.
Fraxinus platypoda Oliv. (z5)
Tree from China.
Fraxinus quadrangulata Michx. (z3)
Special tree of North America. The branches of this Ash are 4-sided. When the inner part of the bark is laid in water, it will turn blue, so the american name "Blue Ash".
Fraxinus texensis (A. Gray) Sarg. (z7)
Rare Ash from Texas, USA.
Fraxinus xanthoxyloides var. dumosa (Carr.) Lingelsh. (z7)
Very rare shrub, when older a tree; the leaflets rounded 0.5-1.5cm. long.
Fuchsia procumbens R. Cunn. (z8)
Prostrate shrublet with thin branches. The flowers are upright and yellow with green; after the flowering follow 2cm. big red fruits.
Garrya elliptica Douglas ex Lindl. (z7)
This evergreen shrub will be covered with grey male or female catkins (10-20cm. long) in January-February. When planted on a north facing wall they resist 10-13° C. below zero.
Garrya thuretii (x) Carr. (z8-9)
This hybrid between Garrya faydenii x Garrya elliptica is as hardy as Garrya elliptica; the catkins are erect, but not so long.
Genista aetnensis (Bivona) DC. (z7?-8)
Very attractive little tree with golden-yellow flowers in July.
Gleditsia delavayi Franch. (z8)
The thorns could be 25cm. long. Also the fruits can grow to 50cm. long.
Glyptostrobus pensilis 'Wooly Mammoth' (z8)
Not sure of this cultivar is different than the species. Maybe the habit looks wooly.
Gordlinia (x) grandiflora Ranney & Fantz (z7)
Hybrid between Gordonia lasianthus and Franklinia alatamaha.
Grewia biloba var. parviflora (Bunge) Hand. Mazz. (z6)
This to 2m. high shrub is hardy in the west of Europe.
Griselinia littoralis 'Dixon's Cream' (z8)
Evergreen shrub from New Zealand. The leathery leaves have yellow to cream coloured spots. For sheltered places.
Griselinia ruscifolia (Gay) Ball (z9)
Rare species from Chile.
Gymnocladus dioica (L.) K. Koch. (z5)
Tall tree; when young the thick branches are bluish-grey pruinose; the big leaves are bipinnate and pink when young.
Halesia carolina L. (z5)
Tall shrub, in spring covered with plenty bell-shaped white flowers.
Halesia diptera var. magniflora Godfrey (z6)
More abundantly flowering than the species. Very rare.
Halesia macgregorii Chun (z7)
Very rare shrub from China. Nice white flowers in spring.
Hedera helix 'Conglomerata' (z5)
Slow growing shrub with prostrate and upright branches and waved leaves.
Hedera helix 'Erecta' (z5)
Stiff upright shrub, the leaves in two rows along the branches.
Hedera helix 'Humpty Dumpty' (z6)
The adult form of Hedera helix 'Erecta'. The leaves of Hedera helix 'Humpty Dumpty' grow in whirls around the thick branches, finishing in a globular flowerbud, in July.
Hedera helix 'Ice Cream' (z5)
Adult form of Hedera helix 'Cavendishii'. The leaves with a broad creamy-white margin. Berries black.
Helwingia chinensis Batalin (z8)
This deciduous shrub has flowers and fruits on the lanceolate leaves of the older plants (the plants are dioecious).
Helwingia chinensis 'Broad-leaved Form' (z8)
The leaves of this form are broader than the former.
Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) F.Dietr. (z7)
Stoloniferous little shrub with very small flowers (male and female on different plants) on the leaf-surface; the female plants give 6mm. thick black berries.
Hemiptelea davidii (Hance) Planch. (z5)
This shrub very similar to Ulmus has very stout thorns, especially on young or deep cutted plants and will be useful as an impenetrable thorny hedge.
Heptacodium miconioides Rehder (z5)
Beautiful deciduous shrub; the older branches exfoliating. The leaves are three-veined. In September-October the shrub is covered with big panicles of white flowers; the calyx turns into bright red after flowering.
Hoheria populnea A. Cunn. (z9)
Small evergreen tree with snow-white flowers in September.
Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. (z5)
Shrub with aromatic leaves and nodding yellowish-white flowers in July-August.
Hydrangea anomala 'Cordifolia' (z5)
(syn.: Hydrangea petiolaris 'Cordifolia')
All the parts of this Climbing Hydrangea are much smaller than the species. Very useful as groundcover.
Hydrangea heteromalla f. xanthoneura Diels (z6)
Deciduous shrub. To 20cm. broad flowers.
Hydrangea heteromalla 'Gidie' (z6)
Selection with nice white flowers having a greenish blaze.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Merveille Sanguinea'
Hydrangea serrata 'Golden Sunlight' (z6)
Beautiful shrub with golden-yellow leaves in spring later becoming greenish-yellow. The lace-cap flowers are pink, later reddish like Hydrangea serrata 'Intermedia' of which 'Golden Sunlight' is a "sport".(Plant Protected in Europe!).
Hymenanthera alpina (Kirk) W.R.B. Oliv. (z7)
Nice evergreen shrub for the rockgarden; the branches are stiff and the leaves small. Small white berries in autumn.
Hymenanthera crassifolia Hook. f.
Wintergreen shrub with small white berries in autumn and winter, sometimes lasting over a year.
Hypericum densiflorum Pursh
Evergreen small shrub with yellow flowers during all summer.
Hypericum kalmianum L. (z5)
Low deciduous shrub. For a long time covered by yellow flowers during summer.
Idesia polycarpa var. vestita Diels. (z5)
The leaf undersides of this variety are densely tomentose and the fruits are brick-red.
Ilex aquifolium 'Dark Green' (z5)
Ilex crenata 'Dwarf Pagoda' (z5)
Very slow growing selection.
Ilex crenata 'Mariesii' (z6)
Very compact growing shrub with round leaves. Evergreen.
Ilex decidua Walter (z5-6)
Deciduous shrub with orange-red fruits.
Illicium anisatum Gaertn. (z7-8)
(syn.: Illicium religiosum)
Evergreen shrub with white flowers in April-May.
Illicium floridanum J. Ellis (z7-8)
Evergreen shrub with purple-red flowers in April-May.
Indigofera kirilowii Palib. (z6)
Nice shrub to 80cm. height and racemes with reddish flowers in summer.
Indigofera potaninii Craib (z6)
Upright shrub with erect racemes lilac-pink flowers from July to September.
Itea ilicifolia Oliv. (z8)
Evergreen shrub with Holly-like leaves. Flower-racemes to 50cm. long, greenish-white pendulous flowers. Attractive.
Itea virginica L. (z6)
Halfwintergreen small shrub with a bright red autumncolour. Flowers white in erect racemes, 10cm. long, fragrant.
Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' (z6)
Like the species but with a beautiful dark red autumncolour.
Itea virginica 'Sarah Eve' (z7)
Flowers pinkish in bud.
Itea yunnanensis Franch. (z9)
Looks like Itea ilicifolia, but the leaves are longer and the flower-racemes are shorter, about 15cm.
Jamesia americana Torr. & Gray (z6)
Small shrub; white flower-cymes in May-June.
Jasminum nudiflorum 'Aureum' (z6)
The leaves of this cultivar are yellow. In winter big yellow flowers.
Jasminum parkeri Dunn (z8?)
Shrub to 30cm. height. Yellow flowers in June.
Juglans ailanthifolia Carr. (z5)
Japanese Walnut. The fruits grow with 20 together in racemes.
Juglans nigra L.
Beautiful parktree with long darkgreen leaves. The nuts are hard to open.
Koelreuteria bipinnata Franch. (z8)
Deciduous tree with pinnate leaves; yellow flowers in panicles in July-August.
Koelreuteria henryi Dummer (z8)
Not hardy species from Taiwan.
Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. (z6)
Beautiful deciduous tree with a rain of golden-yellow flowers in panicles in August, followed by bladder-like fruits.
Koelreuteria paniculata 'Coral Sun' PBR (z6)
New selection with brilliant red new growth; later on the leaves turn into yellow-green as the petioles are staying red. In winter the branches are yellow-brown. A welcom addition to the assortment. (Protected by Plant Breeders' Rights).
more information
Koelreuteria paniculata 'Fastigiata' (z6)
Grows narrow upright.
Koelreuteria paniculata 'Rosseels' (z6)
This selection flowers on young plants.
Koelreuteria paniculata var. apiculata (Rehder & E.H. Wilson) Rehder (z6)
This variety has bipinnate leaves.
Lagerstroemia chekiangensis Cheng (z7a)
Tall shrub or tree. Beautiful orange autumncolour. The flowers are light pink. Has also a peeling bark.
Lagerstroemia indica L. (z8)
Very abundantly flowering from July to September.
Lagerstroemia indica 'Milarosso'
Lagerstroemia indica 'Petit Pink' (z8)
Selection with pink flowers.
Laurelia sempervirens Tul. (z9)
Tall evergreen tree with aromatic bark.
Lespedeza buergeri Miq. (z5)
Low shrub with kind purple-wit flowers during summer.
Ligustrum chenaultii Hickel (z7)
Deciduous shrub; in June to 20cm. long panicles of flowers, later followed by violet-blue kidney-shaped berries.
Ligustrum japonicum 'Rotundifolium' (z7)
This evergreen low shrub has glossy rounded leaves and white flowers in short panicles.
Ligustrum sinense var. stauntonii (DC.) Rehder (z7)
Very abundantly flowering shrub in July-August; big panicles white flowers.
Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume (z5)
Tall shrub with greenish-yellow flowers in March-April. Fruits scarlet on female plants. Golden-yellow autumncolour.
Lindera erythrocarpa Makino (z7)
Rare shrub, deciduous. The fruits are red.
Lindera obtusiloba Blume (z6)
Little tree with bluish-green leaves often three lobed.
Lindera reflexa Hemsl. (z7)
Deciduous rare shrub.
Liquidambar styraciflua L. (z5)
Beautiful tree with a nice smell. Autumncolour purple.
Liriodendron 'Chapel Hill' (z7)
Hybrid between Liriodendron tulipifera and Liriodendron chinense.
The flowers of this small tree are orange-yellow.
Liriodendron tulipifera 'Arnold' (z5)
Nice columnar growth.
Liriodendron tulipifera 'Crispum' (z5)
The undulate lobes give the leaves a curly appearance.
Liriodendron tulipifera 'Heltorf' (z5)
This selection looks like Liriodendron tulipifera 'Integrifolium', but it has a looser growth.
Liriodendron tulipifera 'Purgatory' (z5)
The middle of the leaves has a vague yellow spot.
Liriodendron tulipifera 'Roothaan' (z5)
Resembles to Liriodendron tulipifera 'Crispum'.
Liriodendron tulipifera x chinense (z6)
Cross between both specie.
Lonicera alpigena L. (z6)
Deciduous shrub to 1m. height and yellow flowers in May; followed by darkred glossy berries.
Lonicera elisae Franch. (z6)
Rare shrub with white flowers from Januari to March.
Lonicera fragrantissima Lindl. & Paxton (z5)
From December to March this shrub is covered with pink-white flowers.
Lonicera jaluana
Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Maxim. (z6)
Big deciduous shrub. The flowers are white becoming yellow when old; flowers in June.
Lonicera purpusii (x) Rehd. (z6)
Very beautiful flowering shrub during winter, from December to April. The white flowers are very fragrant.
Lonicera similis var. delavayi (Franch.) Rehder (z9)
Evergreen climbing shrub, with white flowers, turning into yellow, in the middle of the summer.
Lonicera standishii Carrière (z6)
Semi-evergreen shrub; the nice pinkish-white flowers from December to March-April.
Lonicera standishii 'Budapest' (z6)
Deciduous shrub with light-pink flowers from December to March.
Lonicera tolmatchevii Pojark. (z4)
This rare shrub grows to 1m. height. Flowers yellow in June, later followed by purple-black fruits.
Maackia amurensis Rupr. (z4)
Little tree with pinnate leaves; flowers greenish-white in upright racemes on the shoots tips in July-August.
Maclura pomifera 'Inermis' (z5)
Cultivar without thorns. Dark green leaves turn into yellow in autumn.
Maddenia hypoleuca Koehne (z5)
Very rare tall shrub. Flowers as little catkins in March-April.
Magnolia biondii Pamp. (z7?-8)
Rare deciduous tree from China. Looks some like Magnolia kobus.
Magnolia brooklynensis 'Yellow Bird' (z6)
Small tree with rounded yellow flowers in spring. Also flowering in summer.
Magnolia 'Butterflies' (z6)
Selection with light yellow flowers. Will be a tall shrub.
Magnolia dawsoniana Rehder & E.H. Wilson (z8)
Deciduous shrub with light pink flowers to 25cm. Ø.
Magnolia delavayi Franch. (z9)
Evergreen, but not hardy Magnolia, flowering in summer from July to September, with ivory-white flowers.
Magnolia denudata Desr. (z6)
Deciduous shrub with white flowers in April-May.
Magnolia 'Elizabeth' (z6)
Small tree with large light flowers in late spring.
Magnolia hypoleuca Siebold & Zucc. (z6)
(syn.: Magnolia obovata Thunb.)
Deciduous tree with big obovate leaves. Fragrant white flowers in June and later to 20cm. big sausage-like red fruits.
Magnolia kobus 'Limelight'?? (z5)
The leaves of this new selection have a broad light-green margin.
Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E.H. Wilson (z7)
Deciduous tree with big leaves; the big white flowers appear in June.
Magnolia officinalis var. biloba Rehder & E.H. Wilson (z7)
Looks like the species, but the leaves always deeply incised at the apex, forming two lobes.
Magnolia salicifolia (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. (z6)
Big shrub or little tree with lanceolate leaves; the white flowers appear in April-May, before the leaves.
Magnolia sinensis (Rehder & E.H. Wilson) Stapf. (z7-8)
Deciduous shrub looking like Magnolia sieboldii. The nodding white flowers appear on the new growth in June.
Magnolia virginiana L. (z5)
Deciduous shrub, on sheltered places half-wintergreen. This plant flowers in summer, June-July, but often flowers appearing to September. The flowers are white and fragrant.
Magnolia 'Yellow Lantern' (z6)
Selection with light yellow flowers.
Mahoberberis (x) 'Magic' (z5)
Selection of a hybrid of Mahonia and Berberis. The branches are thornless, the leaves are little prickly like Mahonia. Flowers yellow like Mahonia aquifolia.
Mahonia aquifolium 'Brilliant' (z5)
The leaves of this selection are glossy. Has yellow flowers in April.
Mallotus japonicus (L. f.) Muell.-Arg. (z8)
White tomentosed shrub from Japan. In autumn the creamflowers appear in panicles.
Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehder (z5)
Upright shrub or small tree. White flowers 4cm. wide, later followed by small ornamental apples.
Manglietia duclouxii Finet & Gagnep. (z8-9)
Evergreen Magnolia-like shrub. The pinkish flowers come in May.
Maytenus boaria Molina (z8)
Little evergreen tree with a willow-like appearance, but from the Celastrus-family.
Meliosma dilleniifolia (Wall. ex Wight & Arn.) Walp. (z8)
Deciduous small tree from the Himalaya. The flower-panicles could be to 30cm. long.
Meliosma dilleniifolia ssp. tenuis (Maxim.) van Beusekom (z8)
The subspecies is a shrub and comes from Japan.
Meliosma flexuosa Pamp. (z8)
Upright shrub with small panicles of brownish flowers.
Meliosma myriantha Siebold & Zucc. (z9)
This upright shrub or small tree has yellowish-green flowers in to 20cm. long panicles.
Meliosma veitchiorum Hemsl. (z8)
Rare deciduous tree from China. The large leaves are pinnate. Flower panicles to 40cm. long, in May; the small flowers are yellow.
Menziesia ciliicalyx var. multiflora (Maxim.) Mak. (z6)
Slow growing deciduous shrub with dark-pink flowers.
Mespilus germanica L. (z6)
Shrub or small tree; white flowers 4-5cm. wide in May, fruits brown, edible after frost.
Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng. (z9)
Evergreen shrub with a lovely smell when flowering; flowers ca. 3cm., light-violet. Nearly hardy in The Netherlands.
Michelia yunnanensis Franch. ex Finet & Gagnep. (z8)
Evergreen shrub with white flowers in late spring and summer.
Mitchella repens L. (z5)
Flat growing shrublet with evergreen beautiful marked leaves.
Morus alba L. (z5)
White Mulberry. Deciduous tree with variable leaves. Flowers inconspicuous, fruits berry-like, white, red or black.
Morus alba 'Nana Issai' (z5)
Selection with a compact habbit, many fruited quite on young age.
Morus alba 'White Berry' (z5)
Selection with sweet pure white berry-like fruits.
Morus nigra L. (z7)
Black Mulberry. Tree with big rough leaves; fruits purple-black when ripened. Edible.
Morus rubra L.
Mulberry from Northern America.
Morus rubra 'Nana' (z7)
Dwarf shrublet for the rockgarden.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris Walp. (z8)
Mat-like shrublet with wiry thin branches and growing through the ground. Leaves 0.5cm., flowers inconspicuous, berries black.
Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv. (z6)
Narrowly upright shrub with blue-green scale-like leaves. Flowers in racemes, pink.
Neillia affinis Hemsl. (z6)
Deciduous shrub with darkgreen leaves. The pink flowers with a dark-pink calyx appear in May-June, but when the plant will be pruned after flowering, it will also flower later in summer.
Neillia sinensis Oliv. (z6)
Shrub with nice pink flowers in June.
Neolitsea sericea (Blume) Koidz. (z8)
Nice evergreen shrub with dark-green leaves and white veins. The young growth with beautiful bronze coloured hairs. Small yellow flowers are followed by 15mm. red berries.
Neviusia alabamensis A. Gray (z6)
Deciduous shrub, flowers in June-July with whitish flowers.
Nyssa aquatica L. (z7)
Tall tree, blue-red autumncolour.
Nyssa sinensis Oliv. (z7)
Rare tree. Young growth reddish; autumncolour shades of red.
Nyssa sylvatica Marshall (z3)
Tall tree with a splended autumncolour in yellow, orange and red.
Nyssa sylvatica 'Autumn Cascades' (z3)
Selection with weeping branches when older and a orange-red autumncolour.
Nyssa sylvatica 'Jermyns Flame' (z3)
Selection with bigger leaves and yellow autumncolour.
Nyssa sylvatica 'Red Red Wine' (z3)
Slower growing selection. The young growth is red and the autumncolour is deep red.
Nyssa sylvatica 'Wisley Bonfire' (z3)
This tree has a very beautiful orange to deep red autumncolour.
Oemleria cerasiformis (Torr. & A. Gray ex Hook. & Arn.) J.W. Landon (z6)
Deciduous shrub; flowers in nodding racemes in March, white.
Orixa japonica Thunb. (z6)
Deciduous shrub with very aromatic leaves.
Osmanthus delavayi Franch. (z8)
Osmanthus serrulatus Rehder (z8)
Evergreen shrub with white flowers in March-April, fragrant.
Osmanthus suavis King ex C.B. Clarke (z9)
Evergreen shrub with small leaves and fragrant white flowers in spring.
Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. (z6)
Hop Hornbeam. Tree with Hop-like fruit clusters.
Oxydendrum arboreum (L.) DC. (z6)
Large shrub or small tree; white flowers in nodding panicles in August-September. Gorgeous scarlet-red autumncolour.
Pachysandra axillaris Franch. (z6)
Pachysandra with big leaves and red fruits. This plant needs light shade.
Paeonia chameleon Troitzk. (z5)
Flowers white with pink veins.
Paeonia delavayi Franch. (z6)
Tree Peony. Red flowers in May. Beautiful leaves.
Paeonia emodi Royle (z8)
Nice white flowering Peony. Flowers some nodding. Protect to frost in winter.
Paeonia foemina Mill. (z5)
Nice red flowering Peony. Yet named Paeonia officinalis.
Paeonia japonica (Makino) Miyabe & H. Takeda (z5)
White flowering Peony.
Paeonia lutea var. ludlowii Stern & G. Taylor (z6)
The flowers of this variety are deep yellow.
Paeonia mascula (L.) Mill. (z5)
Perennial peony with single flowers; propagated by seed every plant has differend coloured flowers, from very light pink (nearly white) to nearly red. When they are opening, the insite of the fruits are nice pinkish-red with the blue-black seeds on the margin.
Paeonia mlokosewitschii Lomakin (z5)
The flowers of this species vary from cream-white to yellow.
Paeonia potaninii Komarov (z6)
Tree Peony with dark red flowers.
Paeonia veitchii Lynch (z6)
This species has to 10cm. wide reddish purple flowers in spring.
Parakmeria lotungensis (Chun & C.H. Tsoong) Y.W. Law (z8)
Rare genus from the Magnolia-family.
Parrotia persica 'Cherry Tips'
Parrotia persica Persian Spire
Parrotiopsis jacquemontiana (Decne.) Rehder (z6)
Nice flowering shrub from the Hamamelis-family. The beautiful flowers appear in May.
Paulownia elongata S.Y. Hu (z6)
Rare tree from China. Very big panicles with violet flowers in spring.
Paulownia tomentosa Steud. (z6)
Deciduous tree with violet-blue flowers in big panicles in spring.
Paxistima canbyi A. Gray (z3)
Dwarfshrub to 25cm. high. Small evergreen leaves and brown-red flowers in April-May.
Petteria ramentacea (Sieber) C. Presl (z6)
Upright shrub like Laburnum but flowers in erect 4-7cm. long racemes in May-June.
Phellodendron amurense Rupr. (z3)
Corktree. Tall tree with a thick and corky bark. Leaves golden-yellow when fall. Fruits black in panicles, having a turpentine scent.
Phellodendron chinense var. omeiense C.C. Huang (z6)
Chinees Corktree, in the wild growing on Mount Omei in Sechuan.
Philadelphus caucasicus Koehne (z5)
Deciduous shrub with nice white flowers in spring.
Philadelphus mexicanus Schltdl. (z9)
Evergreen shrub with nice white flowers.
Philadelphus microphyllus var. occidentalis (A. Nelson) Dorn (z6)
Little shrub to 1m. height; 3cm. wide flowers pure white in June.
Philadelphus pekinensis Rupr. (z6)
Upright shrub with nice fragrant flowers in late spring.
Philadelphus sericanthus Koehne (z6)
Very rare species from the middle of China.
Phillyrea angustifolia L. (z7-8)
Evergreen shrub with dark green leaves; yellowish flowers in May, fruits blue-black.
Photinia beauverdiana var. notabilis (C.K. Schneid.) Rehder & E.H. Wilson (z6)
Little tree with abundantly flowering in May, later followed by purple-red berries.
Photinia dummeri 'Winchester' (z7)
Hybrid between Photinia davidiana (former Stranvaesia davidiana) and Photinia sp. Glossy dark green leaves. The new growth bright red and on older plants big umbels of white flowers.
Photinia lucida (Decne.) C.K. Schneid. (z8?)
Rare shrub from Taiwan. White flowers followed by red fruits.
Photinia niitakayamensis Hayata (z7)
Very rare evergreen Photinia from Taiwan.
Photinia serratifolia (Desf.) Kalkman (z8)
(syn.: Photinia serrulata Lindl.)
Evergreen shrub, leaves coarse serrate; new growth reddish. White flowers in 10-18cm. wide panicles, followed by red fruits.
Photinia villosa (Thunb.) DC. (z5)
Beautiful deciduous shrub with a splendid orange-red autumncolour and racemes bright red berries.
Photinia villosa var. coreana (z5)
Rare variety with bright red fruits.
Photinia villosa var. sinica Rehder & E.H. Wilson (z5)
Beautiful deciduous shrub with a splendid orange-red autumncolour and racemes bright red berries.
Photinia villosa var. zollingeri (Decne.) C.K. Schneid. (z5)
Variety from Korea with dark red fruits.
Phyllanthus glaucus Wall. ex Müll. Arg. (z7)
Deciduous shrub with pinnate leaves. In spring the small yellowish-green flowers appear on the rachis of the leaf; they will be followed by small black berries in summer. A hardy species of a tropical family.
Physocarpus capitatus (Pursh) Kuntze (z5)
Flowers with white of light pink flowers.
Picrasma quassioides (D. Don) Benn. (z6)
Very rare nice deciduous tree. Leaves pinnate.
Pileostegia viburnoides Hook. f. & Thomson (z9)
Evergreen climbing shrub flowering in September with white flowers in 10-15cm. long panicles.
Pinus yunnanensis var. pygmaea
Pittosporum parvilimbum H.T. Chang & S.Z. Yan (z7?)
This evergreen shrub with ca. 3cm. big leaves has a pepper-like scent. The flowers are small (about 5mm. long) and light yellow to cream. Grows outside in Holland.
Pittosporum sahnianum Gowda (z7?)
Nice evergreen shrub.
Planera aquatica J.F. Gmel. (z8)
Deciduous tree, resembling Ulmus, but the male and female flowers are in different racemes on the same plant.
Platanus racemosa Nutt.
Tree from the western USA.
Platycarya strobilacea Siebold & Zucc. (z8)
Rare tree from China with pinnate leaves.
Platycrater arguta Siebold & Zucc. (z8)
Deciduous shrublet from the Hydrangea-family. The marginal flowers have a strange form.
Pleione bulbocodioides (Franch.) Rolfe (z7)
Orchid from China. Beautiful pink flowers in spring.
Poliothyrsis sinensis Oliv. (z7)
Little tree or large shrub in cultivation.
Polygonatum roseum
Pink flowering Solomon's Seal.
Polygonum scoparium Req. ex Loisel. (z8?)
This very curious Polygonum looks like Horsetail, but it flowers with small white flowers over a long period in summer.
Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. (z7-8)
Thorny shrub, leaves trifoliate. In April-May covered with white flowers followed by inedible lemon-like fruits.
Populus candicans 'Aurora' (z6)
In spring the new growth is nearly white, but after the longest day in June the new leaves are rapidly green. The best when the tree is pruned in spring; when you don't prune, the leaves are green with nearly one or two white spots.
Premna japonica Miq. (z6)
Deciduous shrub. All parts of the plant are strong aromatic.
Prinsepia sinensis (Oliv.) Oliv. ex Bean (z3)
Thorny shrub with yellow flowers in April. Fruits like cherries, red and edible.
Prinsepia uniflora Batalin (z3)
Very thorny shrub; white flowers in April-May.
Prunus caroliniana (Mill.) Aiton
Evergreen species from southeastern USA.
Pseudocydonia sinensis (Thouin) C.K. Schneid. (z6)
Tall shrub with exfoliating bark; autumncolour yellow and scarlet-red. Flowers pink in May.
Pseudolarix amabilis (J. Nelson) Rehder (z5)
Small tree looking like Larix; turns in autumn beautiful golden-yellow.
Pseudotaxus chienii (W.C. Cheng) W.C. Cheng (z7)
Looks very like Taxus, but de fruits are white.
Ptelea baldwinii Torr. & A. Gray (z6)
Shrub from southern USA and Mexico. The leaves are darker green then those of Ptelea trifoliata. The wings of the fruits are much smaller; the fruits are 1.5cm. wide.
Ptelea trifoliata L. (z5)
Shrub with trifoliate leaves and greenish-white flowers in 5-8cm. wide corymbs in June. In autumn covered with dense yellowish clusters elm-like fruits.
Ptelea trifoliata 'Aurea' (z5)
Like the species but with yellow leaves, especially on plants which has been pruned in spring.
Ptelea trifoliata f. pubescens (Pursh) Fernald (z5)
The young branches and leaves of this forma are pubescent.
Ptelea trifoliata 'Variegata'
Pterocarya rehderiana (x) C.K. Schneid. (z6)
Hybrid between Pterocarya fraxinifolia x Pterocarya stenoptera.
Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold & Zucc. (z6)
Nice tree from Japan with 20-30cm. long catkins of fruits.
Pterocarya stenoptera 'Fern Leaf' (z7)
The leaves of this nice selection are fern-shaped.
Pterostyrax corymbosa Siebold & Zucc. (z6)
Very beautiful flowering little tree. In May-June the tree is covered with a beauty of white flowers, like snow.
Pterostyrax hispida Siebold & Zucc. (z6)
This deciduous little tree or shrub has in May-June white flowers in 10-20cm. long pendulous panicles. Small fruits rough haired.
Pterostyrax leveillei (Fedde ex H. Lév.) Chun (z7)
Rare small tree with panicles of white flowers.
Pterostyrax psilophyllus Diels ex Perkins (z6)
Very rare species.
Pyrus lindleyi Rehder (z6)
Rare Pear from China.
Pyrus serrulata Rehder (z6)
Small tree with white flowers in spring, later followed by small pears.
Pyrus sinkiangensis T.T. Yu (z7)
Pear from North-East China with yellow edible fruits. Beautiful autumncolour.
Quercus alnifolia Poech (z8)
Golden Oak. Evergreen tree. The backside of the leaves is very nice golden-yellow.
Quercus ithaburensis 'Hemelrijk' (z7)
Beautiful deciduous tree. The lobed leaves are silvery haired. The acorns are one of the longest of the genus, about 5cm. long.
Quillaja saponaria Molina (z8)
Nice evergreen tree from Chile.
Reevesia pubescens (R. sinica) Mast. (z9)
Evergreen shrub with nice corymbs of white flowers. Tub-plant.
Rhamnella franguloides (Maxim.) Weberbauer (z7)
Deciduous shrub from eastern Asia. Nice yellow autumncolour.
Rhamnus alaternus 'Argenteovariegatus' (z7)
Very beautiful evergreen shrub with white variegated leaves.
Rhamnus frangula 'Columnaris' (z3)
With a columnair growth.
Rhamnus taquetii H. Lév. (z5)
Little shrub with black berries on the female plants.
Rhaphiolepis delacourii (x) Andre (z8?)
Shrub to 2m. height with evergreen leathery leaves. Pink flowers in conical panicles over a long period.
Rhaphiolepis umbellata (Thunb.) Makino (z7?-8)
Evergreen shrub with racemes of white flowers in spring followed by black berries in autumn.
Rhaphiolepis umbellata f. ovata (Briot) C.K. Schneid. (z7?-8)
Similar like the species but the black fruits are pear-shaped.
Rhododendron canadense (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. (z3)
Deciduous little shrub with lilac-purple flowers in April.
Rhododendron racemosum Franch.
Rhodotypos scandens (Thunb.) Makino (z5)
Deciduous shrub, the white flowers 4-5cm., in May-June.
Rhus copallinum L. (z5)
Leaves of this beautiful species are glossy above, the rachis is narrowly winged. Flowers in greenish-yellow panicles in August-September.
Ribes alpinum var. pallidigemmum Simonk. (z3)
Dwarf form of Ribes alpinum. Very hardy.
Ribes gayanum Reiche (z7-8)
Evergreen shrub to 1.5m. high. Flowers yellow in 3-5cm. long racemes in May.
Ribes latifolium Jancz. (z5)
Very rare Gooseberry from eastern Asia. The red fruits in July-August are about 9mm. big.
Ribes laurifolium Jancz. (z7)
Dioecious evergreen shrub with greenish-yellow flowers in racemes in March, followed by black-red berries on female plants. A choice.
Rostrinucula dependens (Rehder) Kudô (z7b-10)
Deciduous shrub with a special flowering. The pink stamens growing out of pendent racemes.
Ruscus aculeatus L. (z7)
Little shrub. Flowers on the leaf-like prickly phylloclades, followed by brilliant red berries on female plants.
Ruscus aculeatus 'Kolster's Yellow'
Ruscus streptophyllus
Sageretia paucicostata Maxim. (z7)
Very rare spiny shrub from the Rhamnus-family.
Salix magnifica Hemsl. (z7)
Deciduous shrub with Magnolia-like leaves, bluish-green above. Catkins to 15cm. long in May.
Salix nakamurana var. yezoalpina Koidz (z5)
Low shrub; thick branches laying on the ground. New growth very hairy. Catkins in July between the leaves.
Sambucus canadensis 'Maxima' (z4)
Very strong growing selection, inflorescences 30-40cm. wide.
Sambucus coreana Kom. & Allis. (z7)
Elder from Korea.
Sambucus miquelii (Nakai) Komarov (z6)
Rare shrub with hairy branches and leaves.
Sambucus nigra 'Linearis' (z6)
The leaves of this Elder are very incised, but with varied width.
Sambucus nigra 'Monstrosa' (z6)
Small shrub with some belt-shaped branches, which looks nice in winter.
Sambucus nigra 'Naomi' (z6)
Selection with yellow variegated leaves.
Sambucus nigra 'Pulverulenta' (z6)
Slow growing shrub; leaves colours to nearly pure white late June.
Sambucus nigra 'Pygmy' (z6)
Dwarf selection with thin branches and about 50cm. height.
Sambucus nigra 'Pyramidalis' (z6)
Columnar upright habit and the thickly branches blackish in winter. Leaves crispate.
Sambucus nigra 'The Pearl'
Fairly new selection with bipinnate leaves. The fruits are pearl colored.
Sambucus pubens Michx. (z6)
Shrub or small tree from North America. Fruits scarlet-red, in August-September.
Sambucus racemosa 'Goldenlocks' (z6)
Low yellow-leaved Elder to about 75cm. high; also a good yellow colour in full sun.
Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex' (z4)
Perennial with white flowers in spring.
Sapium japonicum (Siebold & Zucc.) Pax & K. Hoffm. (z8)
Deciduous tree with beautiful autumncolour. More hardy than suspected.
Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees (z5)
Deciduous tree with unusual leaf form, usually three lobed, but also unlobed and two lobed; orange and scarlet autumncolour.
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Korean' (z5)
The leaves of this nice climber are coarse dentated. The wide corymbs of flowers have big sterile florets.
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Roseum' (z5)
Petioles red, flowers pinkish.
Sedum populifolium Pall. (z3)
Subshrub for the rock garden to 30cm. height. Flowers in corymbs, white, in July-August.
Sequioa sempervirens 'Prostrata' (z7)
Slow growing form of the "Mammoth Tree". When you cut the upright growing branches, it forms a flat conifer.
Sequoia sempervirens 'Adpressa' (z6)
Upright tree with white tips of young branches, the best when the plant is cutted in spring.
Sinocalycalycanthus raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine' (z6)
Hybrid between Sinocalycanthus chinensis x Calycanthus floridus. The red colour of Calycanthus floridus and the size of the flowers and shape of the leaves of Sinocalycanthus chinensis are united in this hybrid.
Sinocalycanthus chinensis W.C. Cheng & S.Y. Chang (z6)
Deciduous shrub with big light green leaves and pinkish-white flowers about 5cm. wide in spring and a few over the whole summer. Autumncolour yellow.
Sinojackia rehderiana Hu (z8)
Rare deciduous shrub with white flowers in June.
Sinojackia xylocarpa Hu (z7?-9)
Deciduous tree very similar to Styrax japonicus. Fruits a woody capsule.
Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Rehder & E.H. Wilson (z7-8)
Twining shrub from China with small yellow flowers later followed by blue-black berries.
Sinowilsonia henryi Hemsl. (z6)
Rare shrub from the Hamamelis-family.
Sophora davidii (Franch.) Pavol. (z5)
Deciduous thorny shrub with fine pinnate leaves and white flowers with bluish calyx in June.
Sophora japonica L. (z5)
(syn.: Styphnolobium japonicum)
Tall tree with pinnate leaves and an abundantly flowering when the tree is old. Flowers yellowish-white in 25cm. long panicles in August.
Sophora koreensis Nakai (z6)
Low shrub with rhizomes. Bright yellow flowers in June.
Sophora mollis (Royle) Baker (z7)
Deciduous shrub with golden-yellow flowers in spring.
Sorbus caloneura (Stapf) Rehder (z6)
Graceful shrub with nodding branches. Flowercymes to 7cm. wide, white flowers. The fruits are pear-formed, ca. 1cm. and brown.
Sorbus meliosmifolia Rehder (z6)
Very rare species from China. Nice shaped leaves. Flowers in April, de fruits are brown.
Spartium junceum L. (z8)
Broomlike shrub with beautiful racemes of yellow flowers in the beginning of the summer.
Stachyurus chinensis Franch. (z7)
Deciduous shrub with dark brown branches. Flowers in catkin-like racemes in March-April, light yellow.
Stachyurus chinensis 'Magpie' (z7-8)
Beautiful shrub with white variegated leaves; flowers bright yellow in long catkins in early spring. Give the plant a sheltered place against a south-facing wall, i.c.w. nightfrost.
Stachyurus praecox 'Rubriflorus' (z7)
The flowers of this selection are blushed with pink.
Stachyurus salicifolius Franch. (z8)
Evergreen shrub, with green-yellow flowers in small catkins, April. Maybe hardy enough in The Netherlands.
Staphylea colchica Steven (z6)
Deciduous shrub with pinnate leaves. 5-10cm. big white flowers in May; later followed by inflated capsules.
Staphylea holocarpa 'Innocence' (z6)
A fast growing selection with glossy leaves and pinkish-white flowers in May.
Staphylea holocarpa 'Rosea' Rehd. & Wils. (z6)
Form with pink flowers.
Staphylea pinnata L. (z6)
Nice shrub with long pendulous racemes of creamflowers; the small flowers have a pinkish blush. The inflated fruits are about 4cm. thick.
Stewartia pseudocamellia Maxim. (z5-6)
Deciduous shrub with beautiful cup-shaped white flowers, 5-6cm. wide in July-August. Dark red autumncolour.
Stewartia rostrata Spongberg (z6)
Styrax americanus Lam. (z7)
Deciduous shrub with bell-shaped flowers in May. Needs protection in winter when young.
Styrax confusus Hemsl. (z7)
Rare shrub with white flowers in June.
Styrax dasyanthus Perkins (z9)
Very rare species from China, flowering in July with white flowers.
Styrax hemsleyanus Diels (z8)
Shrub or tree. White flowers in 8-15cm. long racemes in June.
Styrax japonicus Siebold & Zucc. (z6)
Small deciduous tree; in June-July covered with white bell-shaped flowers.
Styrax japonicus 'Evening Light' PBR (z6)
Styrax japonicus 'Herkenrode' (z6)
Tree-form with relative big leaves turning into brown-violet, soon. White flowers in late spring.
Styrax japonicus 'Issai' (z6)
Rich flowering selection even on young age.
Styrax japonicus 'Pendulus' (z6)
Lovely pendulous shrub.
Styrax japonicus 'Pink Chimes Pendulus' (z6)
Weeping form with pink flowers.
Styrax japonicus 'Snowfall' (z6)
New selection from the USA.
Styrax obassia Siebold & Zucc. (z6)
Deciduous shrub with big nearly circular leaves; the fragrant white flowers in 10-20cm. long racemes appear in May-June.
Styrax wuyuanensis S.M. Hwang (z6)
Very rare Styrax from China.
Sycoparrotia semidecidua 'Purple Haze' (z7)
Selection from seedlings of the hybrid of Sycopsis sinensis x Parrotia persica. The leaves turn into a beauty of purple, in autumn.
Sycopsis tutcheri Hemsl. (z7)
Rare evergreen shrub from the Hamamelis-family.
Symphoricarpos guatemalensis J.K. Williams (z8?)
Small deciduous shrub with light pink berries.
Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. (z5)
Low shrub with white berries in autumn. Some suckering.
Symphoricarpos oreophilus A. Gray (z6)
The pink flowers are followed by white berries.
Symphoricarpos 'Snow White'
A new selection in the autumn covered with many long lasting white berries.
Symphoricarpos 'Turesson' (z5)
The white berries of this form are elliptic.
Symplocos paniculata Miq. (z5)
Deciduous shrub with white flowers in panicles in May-June, followed by sapphire-blue fruits in September.
Syringa pinnatifolia Hemsl. (z5)
Deciduous shrub. On older age a striking exfoliating bark; white to pink flowers in small panicles, in May.
Taxodium ascendens 'Nutans' (z6)
Nice upright decicuous conifer.
Taxodium mucronatum Ten. (z8)
Evergreen conifer, useful for wet places. Needs a sheltered position in colder areas.
Taxus chinensis (Pilg.) Rehder (z6)
Rare Taxus from China. The needles relative long, 4-5cm.
Ternstroemia japonica (T. gymnanthera) Thunb. (z9)
Evergreen shrub with cream-coloured flowers.
Tetracentron sinense Oliv. (z7)
Very rare deciduous tree, Cercidiphyllum-like in appearance.
Tetradium daniellii (Benn.) T.G. Hartley (z5)
Shrub or small tree. Flowers in August, with whitish flowers in corymbs; the flowers will be visited by bees.
Tetradium daniellii 'Moonlight' (z5)
Variegated selection of Tetradium daniellii var. hupehensis.
Tetradium officinalis
Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' (z8)
Shrub with exotic radiation. The large leaves to 80cm. Ø, are deep incised and powdery haired. Resists to -15° C.
Toona sinensis 'Flamingo' (z7)
(syn.: Cedrela sinensis 'Flamingo')
The young branches of this selection are red as fire, later colouring into yellow-white to green. Will be a small tree.
Torreya taxifolia Arn. (z6)
The long needles of this conifer are prickly. The fruit is nut-like.
Trachycarpus fortunei (Hook.) H. Wendl. (z9)
Palm for sheltered places. The trunk needs protecting in strong winters.
Trochodendron aralioides Siebold & Zucc. (z7)
Rare evergreen shrub with marked composited leaves and greenish flowers in May-June.
Tropaeolum speciosum Poepp. & Endl. (z6)
Twining shrub with red flowers in summer.
Ulmus glabra 'Nana' (z5)
Dwarf globose bush, 80cm. in height after 10 years.
Ulmus macrocarpa Hance (z5)
This small tree or also a shrub has dorky ridges along the branches. The circular fruits are to 2.5cm. long.
Ulmus minor var. suberosa (Moench.) Soo (z5)
Shrubby Elm with corky-winged branches.
Ulmus parvifolia 'Sagei' (z8)
Slow growing dwarf selection. The leaves are very small.
Ulmus rubra Muehl. (z3)
American Elm.
Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt. (z9)
Evergreen small tree with a very aromatic scent.
Viburnum bodnantense 'Charles Lamont' (z7)
Viburnum farreri Stearn (z6)
Viburnum plicatum Thunb. (z6)
Viburnum tinus var. subcordatum Trel. (z8)
Evergreen shrub from the Azores. Nice red new growth and shining leaves.
Vinca major 'Reticulata' (z7-8)
Evergreen subshrub. The dark green leaves have a light green heart. Also the flowers are deeper blue, in May.
Vitex agnus-castus L. (z7)
Deciduous aromatic shrub with palmate leaves and flowers in dense spikes, violet, in September-October.
Vitex glabrata R. Br. (z7)
The leaves of this species are without hairs.
Vitex negundo var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehder (z6)
The leaves of this variety are deep incised. The lilac flowers in loose panicles in September.
Weigela florida 'Caricature' (z5)
Selection of Weigela florida 'Nana Variegata' with curious formed leaves; the green middle of the leaf grows very fast and the light-yellow margin grows normal; owing to this the leaves look inflated. Very curious.
Weigela florida 'Wings of Fire' PBR (z4)
The leaves of this new selection are already in the beginning of the summer bronze coloured. Later they will turn into wine-red in September-October. In Spring the shrub will flower with pink-red flowers. This new selection is very useful for landscaping. Protected by breeders-rights!
Weigela hortensis 'Nivea' (z6)
Rare Weigela with white flowers in May-June.
Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge (z5)
Deciduous tall shrub with pinnate leaves and white flowers in erect racemes in May.
Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marsh. (z3)
Yellowroot. Stoloniferous shrub to 60cm. high. Flowers red-brown in April-May.
Yucca gloriosa L. (z7)
The conical panicles of this species are sometimes to 4.5m. long; the flowers are cream-white.
Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Siebold & Zucc. (z8?)
Very rare shrub with prickly branches.
Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. (z5)
Thorny shrub or small tree from North America.
Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. (z6)
Compact spiny shrub to 3m. tall and broad. In September/October full of red fruits. Seeds black.
Zanthoxylum coreanum Nakai (z7)
Rare species from Korea.
Zanthoxylum fraxineum Willd. (z6)
Spiny shrub growing upright. The leaves are dark green. In September red fruits.
Zanthoxylum giraldii Hesse (z6)
Rare species.
Zanthoxylum piperitum DC. (z6)
Strong scented shrub with thorny branches and nice formed leaves.
Zanthoxylum simulans Hance (z6)
Aromatic deciduous shrub with prickly stem and leaves. Fruits reddish.
Zelkova schneideriana Hand.-Mazz. (z6)
This species looks like Zelkova serrata, but the leaves have a finer radiation.
Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino (z5-6)
Tall tree.
Zelkova serrata 'Variegata' (z5-6)
The leaves of this selection have a nice white margin.
Zelkova sinica C.K. Schneid. (z5-6)
Decicuous tree from China.
Zenobia pulverulenta 'Blue Sky' (z6)
Nice selection with bluish leaves. The white flowers in May-June.
z1 | < | tot | -45 |
z2 | -45 | tot | -40 |
z3 | -40 | tot | -34 |
z4 | -34 | tot | -29 |
z5 | -29 | tot | -23 |
z6 | -23 | tot | -17 |
z7 | -17 | tot | -12 |
z8 | -12 | tot | -7 |
z9 | -7 | tot | -1 |
z10 | -1 | tot | 5 |
The temperatures are the lowest termperature the plant can endure.
Back to the beginning of the plantlist.
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