H. Kolster  -  nursery

     especially rare and unknown shrubs

photo of Pterostyrax corymbosa    foto:  Pterostyrax corymbosa

What you have to do by export or shipping.

As previously mentioned, and because shipping of plants requires much time and my nursery is not specially equipped for it, no plants will be shipped or exported. In view of this we are able to keep our costs down and therefore our prices.
If collecting or arranging the collection of plants from our nursery at Boskoop is difficult, then we would suggest, that you order the plants through Rein & Mark Bulk. They are also growers of unusual and rare shrubs.
They will, subject to their "Terms and Conditions", arrange for the shipment of plants, including those offered by ourselves.

Fa. C. Esveld in Boskoop will also ship plants (even for private persons).
See their website www.esveld.nl.

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